Page 15 - Utillaje-Septiembre-2024
P. 15

SEPTIEMBRE 2024                                                   5
           Hydmach 925           Jordan 78             Leadwell 21/811/798/812/813/814
           Hyd-Mech 95           JSEDM 632              815/816
           Hydromat 119/236      Julia Utensili 1076   Lealde 1097
           Hypertherm 676        Jung 878              LeBlond 455/361
           Hyson 925             JUTEC 127             Lectro Etch 925
           Hyundai - Wia 95/278/784  K-Line 485        Leeds & Northrup, instrumentación 78
           Hyundai 784           K.O. Lee 455          Lehman Mfg.  74/490/689/690
           Ibarmia 520/1088      Kaeser 272            Leland-Gifford 362
           IBP Pedrozzoli 538    Kao Ming 632          Lennox 78
           Icma San Giorgio 1184  Karl Bruckner 1076   Levas para Tornos Automáticos 129
           IKL 1281              Kellenberger 372      Lewis Machinery 108
           IKS 74/490/689/690    Kent-Owens 362        LFE, amperímetros y voltímetros 78
           Imcar 259             Kent, instrumentación 78  Libo, S.A. 267
           Imet 127/936          KHS 1239              Liebherr  408/236
           IMF Efector, sensores 78  Kia 784           Linde 805
           Impact Global Mchy. 108  Kidder Mfg. 74/490/689/690  Link-Belt 767/770
           Impco 452             Kiefel 1197           Linsinger 431
           IMS 81                Kieley & Mueller 78   Lion Services 74/490/689/690
           Ind.Técnicas Especializadas 80  Kieserling 433  Lipoco 539
           Indalpack 662         Killion 1188          Littell 834
           Indeeco 78            King’s Solution Corp. 424  Livernois Eng’g. 320
           Index  552/448        Kingsbury 354         Lizuan 1098
           Indramat Division 489  Kinney Vacuum 496    Lllig 1262
           Induction Technology Corp. (ITC) 216  Kira 177  Lloyd & Bouvier 291
           Inductotherm 223      Kisters 1239          LNS 234/520
           Industrias VIWA 224   Kitagawa 520          Lock 496
           Ineco 691/1089        Kitako 234            Lockformer 490
           Ingersoll 141/520     Kitamura 234          Lodge & Shipley 327
           Ingersoll-Rand 78/452/769  Kiwa 430         Lodi  81
           Inpasa  973           Kjellberg 127         Loire Safe ZH 1099
           InspecTech 1226       Klingelnberg 236      Lomac 925
           Instron 141           Klockner Bartelt 1239  Loopco 74/490/689/690/1171
           Integrated Indtl. Sys. 74/490/689/690  KMC Controls 78  Lorenz 230/236/407
           International Header Tool 1170  Knuth 236   Love 78
           Intertécnica 270      Kobelco 772/1146      Lucas Precision 327
           Intertron 4           Kohler 766            Luigi Bandera 1190
           Invensys 78           Kokatu 1093           Lukenheimer 78
           Invicta 691           Kolb 438              Lutz Precision 4
           Invo Spline 1076      Komatsu 768/775/1271  Luvata 4
           Inyectora para plástico Arsa 1195  Kondia 1094  LVD 95/1047
           IOB 431               Kone Ind. de Maq. 460  M-Arc 141
           Iowa Precision 490    Kooh 562              M.A. Ford 1076
           Irontite 485          Koolant Koolers 4     M.W. Martin 485
           Iscar 426             Kotton 1185           M.W.M.C 338
           ISCO 78               Krauss Maffei 424/494  Machines Dubuit 1203
           Italimpianti of America 1267  Krupp Berco 485  Macrodyne  1226
           Italmacchine 770      KTS 74/490/689/690    Madel-Metall 284
           ITE 78                Kunkle 78             Mag 236, 363
           ITT General Controls 78  Kunnming 1149      Magerle 234/878
           Izpe 1117             Kuraki 185            Magnaflux 141
           J.M. Montgomery 74/490/689/690  Kwilk-Way 845  Magnatrol, válvulas de solenoide 78
           Jainnher 632          L & M Mach´g. & Mfring 108  Magnetrol 78
           James Bury 78         L.A.S.A. 428          Maguire 959/1202
           Jancy Arboga 936      La Mundial  278       Makisur 255
           Jaso 518              Lagun - España  278   Mamac, transductores 78
           Jator 1090            Lamb Technicon 363    Mamata  1198
           JCB 674/776           Lan-Bi 1095           Manitou 950
           Jenkins 78            Landis & Gyr Signet 78  Manitowoc 986
           Jet Equipment 74/490/689/690  Landis 364    Manzoni Group 835
           Jewell Controls 78    Lantek 274            MAQ-FORT 288
           Jima 27               Lapmaster International 373  Maquinaria Exclusiva 283
           Jinn FA 632           LARA 1052             Máquinas Ceramicas David 598
           Johnford 784          Larrondo, Troqueleria Indl. 558  Maquinas Ind. Polikorte 459
           Johnson Controls 78   Lau-Nik 1096          Maquitol 1281
           Johnson Press 455     Lawler, válvulas para vapor 78  Marathon 206
           Jones & Lamson 338    Lazpiur 1091          Marposs 520
           Jones and Shipman 372/784  LCS  1100        Marsh, manómetros 78
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