Page 18 - Utillaje-Septiembre-2024
P. 18

8                                                            UTILLAJE
           Taichung 117          Tsume 925             Warren Electric 78
           Taihei 108            TT Lasii 265          Warrick, controles de flujo, presión 78
           Tailift 95            Tuffaloy 4            Waterbury-Headers 310
           Takisawa 552          Tulsapower 291        Watlow calefactores, sensores 78
           Takumi 79             Tur Wafum 185         Watson Marlow 496
           Talgo 1114            Turck 78              Watson McDaniel 78
           Talleres Gamor S.L. 1083  Turmatic Systems 119/236  Watson Mchy. Int’l. 434
           Tapmatic 1076         Tuthill 1146          Watts, reguladores 78
           Tat Ming 1193         TY Miles, Inc. 784    Waukesha 766
           Tauring 691           U.M. Cifalli  479     Weg 771
           Taylor-Winfield 784   U.S. Amada 350/436    Weiler 177
           Taylor, instrumentación 78  U.S. Baird 349  Weksler, manómetros, termómetros 78
           Tebis 1225            Ullrich Machinery Co.164  WeldComputer 4
           Techint Technologies 1267  Unamuno 1128     Wellman 78
           Techmire 520          Uni-Hydro 490         Wellsaw 27
           TECNA 4               Uniloc 78             West 78
           Tecnomagnette 81      Uniloy-Milacron 607   Western Arctronics 74/490/689/690
           Tejero 1012/1139      Unimerco 1076         Western Atlas 784
           Tel-Tru, termómetros y manómetros 78  UNION 341  Western Engineered Products 291
           Telsmith 774          Union Special 92      Westlings 1076
           Tennant 1170          Unist, Inc. 138       Weston, controles 78
           Tennsmith 27/490      United 141            WFL 552
           Termopares, todos los fabricantes 78  United Electric Controls 78  White-Rodgers 78
           Tew 1193              Unitool 74/490/689/690  White-Sundstrand 338
           The Gleason Works 367  Unitrol Electronics, Inc. 4  Whitlock 506
           The Machines 431      Universal Tube & Urasa 430  Whitney 278
           Thermal Car 1202      Urpe 1129             WiCa Wire & Cable Mach. GmgH 1181
           Thermatool 1226       US Gauges (Ametek) 78  Wilder Mfg. 74/490/689/690
           Thermoscientific 78   Usach 272             Wilkerson 78
           Thielenhaus 552       Vac «U» Max 496       Williams-White 312
           Thimons 158           Valenite, Inc. 365    Williamson 787
           Thomas 259/452/674/776/330  Vallero International 492  Wilton 27
           Thor Tool 74/490/689/690  Vamco Intl. 849   Winco 853
           Thyssen Krupp 371/476  Van Norman 485       Wintriss Honeywell 1226
           Timesavers 95         Vansdorf 230          Witzig & Frank 363
           Tinius Olsen 141      Vanton 496            Worthington 452
           Tippins 88            Variomatic 129        Wotan 185
           Titan 185             VDF 185               Wotan Maq. Operatrizes 483
           TMP 230               Vebro 1076            Woyl River 1200
           To 30 Systems 520     Veeder-Root 78        WTC/Medar Controls 4
           Tog-L-Log 138         Vernet 936            Wulftec 1239
           Toledo Transducers, Inc. 138  Veronezh 230  Wysong & Miles 311
           Toolmex 27            Verson 302            Wyssmont 496
           Tools for Bending 98  Vetraco 230           Xermac 141
           Top Turn 798          Viatran, transmisores 78  Yale 1007
           Torit (Donaldson) 106  Victor 117           Yamazen Inc. 1079
           Tornos 190            Victor Taichung 1194  Yang 106
           Tos 117/185/230/1281  Vigor 941             Yasda 119
           Toshiba 27/185        Vince Hagan 770       Yawei-Nisshinbo 330
           Tote Systems 496      Virtis 496            Yoder 436
           Towa 484              Vision Wide 506       Yokogawa Electric Works 78
           Toyoda Koki 477       Vitari 528            You Ji 784
           Trafco SRL 164        Volvo 674/772         Yumbo 1230
           Trane 78              Voumard 272           Zagar 1271
           Transfluid 925        Vulcan Electric 78    Zayer 1130
           Traub 129/552/448     W. Gillies Technologies LLC 291  Zbrojovka, ZPS, ZTS 113/117
           Trencor 774           W. W. Grainger        ZDAS 117, 318
           Trerice 78            W.F. & John Barnes 455  Zecchetti 506
           Tridan 925            Wafios Maschinenfabrick 39  Zhonhji 662
           Trimek 112            Wahli 230             Zitai 124
           Tripet 372            Waldrich Coburg 337/433/552  ZPS 113
           Triplett, probadores y medidores 78  Waldrich Siegen 336/433  ZPZ 1281
           Triton 2000 141       Wallace Coast Machinery 324  Zwick 141
           Troquel  558          Walter 878
           Trumpf 74/342/490/689/690  Wardwell 362
           Tschudin 272/372      Warman 452
           Tsugami 520/1078      Warren 452
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